After doing a lot of searching, I decided on a plan for the playhouse. It’s basically this idea, with the potential of putting a swing set in front of the balcony at some point. I’m gonna be adding some climbing stuff as that’s what Cora likes! I’m splitting it up into a couple stages, the first stage is building the elevated deck which will be the floor to the top story.
Coming home with the lumber for stage 1
One side frame clamped up for drilling and bolting with lag bolts
Used a combination of circular saw, hammer and chisel, handsaw, and cussing to get these rabbets/dadoes cut
Both sides frames complete
Now, I’ve put the stretchers to connect the side frames in, along with the gussets to keep things square
After ground prep, things are looking pretty level. Close enough for my taste!
Installing joists
Joists done
Tacking down the deck.